Tasty Morsels to Savor and Enjoy!

Please enjoy Tulku Thondup's wonderful commentary on The Merits of Cleaning a Temple, a pith instruction on spiritual cleansing and replenishing by the Third Dodrupchen. http://tulkuthondup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/The-Merits-of-Cleaning-a-Temple.pdf
(offered here with permission from Tulku Thondup)
Here's an article to help you develop your Attitude of Gratitude...
Enjoy these fun ways to strengthen your Gratitude Habit.

File Size: | 18 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Here is an article to help you learn more about Nutritional Cleansing
Have you tried Zpoint yet?
The ZPoint Process is designed to easily and immediately release the emotional triggers that result in unhealthy stress. It is a gentle, yet profound modality that can assist you on and off the meditation cushion. Deborah Yaffee is a Certified Zpoint Practioner and is available for sessions by telephone or in our Deerfield, MA office. To schedule an appointment, contact her at [email protected]
To learn about Zpoint, download the FREE ($29 value) Introduction to Zpoint E-book at http://www.yourzpoint.com